Viking Longship Project
The club is currently restoring the Jorgen Jorgenson - one of only four known replicas in the world of the Gokstad Viking Ship - to authentic sailing condition. It will then be operated as an ongoing mentoring, sail-cadetship and leadership training enterprise.
For more information on the Viking Longship project go to the Viking Ship blog or Facebook page.
From Sep 2013 - Feb 2014, the Jorgen Jorgenson will be open to the public as part of the Australian National Maritime Museum's Vikings - Beyond the Legend exhibition.
Viking Longship Oars
To be functional, the Jorgen Jorgenson needs a set of thirty two oars. The ship does currently have a set of temporary oars, made from timber scraps around the worksite, which have served the vessel until now, with minimal manoeuvring.
In 2014, when the ship begins operating as a training vessel on Sydney Harbour and offshore, a set of oars made from quality timber that will stand up to the job, will be necessary.
The PHBC is currently seeking funding to buy timber to construct these oars as part of our work experience programs.
Longboat Restoration 2009 - 2010
During 2009 - 2010 PHBC ran youth mentoring programs that included the restoration of the club's two longboats and subsequent sail, oar and general boatmanship training aboard those vessels.
This project was funded by NSW Sport and Recreation, with $60,000 provided over two years, matched by the club's own funding.
Waterman Project 2010
This project saw the design, construction and launch of a traditional waterman-type rowing skiff Kathleen (left), led by one of Sydney's best timber boatbuilders, Orion Alderton, assisted by program participants and a young apprentice. The Waterman Project was supported by Community Builders NSW, who provided a $45,000 grant. The Katheleen is now an important part of the club's fleet of training vessels, and is regularly used by program participants to develop boat handling skills and confidence on the water.

Re-Gathering Foreshore Arts Event 2011
This grass-roots community-building event was an opportunity for people to come together, where land and water meet, to celebrate and engage with art. Including film screenings, art installations, live music, food and fire.
...Everyone shares the desire to have a physical, cultural and personal place to express their truth... See RE-GATHERING.
General Purpose Hand / Sailing and Boat Handling Certification
This certificate is the first, must-get certificate for progress into commercial boat operations, and leads people onto skipper qualifications. The PHBC is able to facilitate participants through this hands-on course, including skills such as fire fighting, survival at sea, boat knowledge and safety and survival at sea.
The club also offers accredited Yachting NSW certificates in sailing and boat handling.
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